Every business benefits from ever-evolving technology, and the jewelry industry has totally embraced it! Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, commonly known as CAD/CAM, is no longer confined to science and industrial applications; it has also become synonymous with jewelry design. With the aid of 3D printing the days of hand carving waxes are becoming obsolete. The detail that can now be achieved, the expanded design possibilities, and the time saved, has utterly changed the jewelry business forever. Jewelry has been created and adorned since the earliest civilizations-the only thing that changed is the way it’s made. CAD and 3D printing has become an everyday tool here at Norman’s and while it can’t completely replace the art of a skilled jeweler’s hand it has completely expanded our idea that if you can dream it we can make it. We look forward to helping you create the jewelry of your dreams! Check out this short video of how a wax is milled and the detail that can be achieved.